The Block Schedule Productivity Method Templates!

In order to be as productive as possible for the new year I looked into new planning and scheduling methods and I came across the Block Schedule System …and it has legitimately changed my life!
If you would like to use the same colorful templates I showed in the video you can download them here (right click and save to your desktop)
block schedule key template bv
block schedule weekly planner
For more information on the block schedule productivity method check out Jordan Page’s blog post here:
Questions you may be wondering
1) Do you follow this on weekends? No, I personally do not follow this on weekends only M-F. If you wanted to, you could also make a second weekend block schedule.
2) What if my days are not all the same? In these casesJordan recommends setting up 2 different block schedules (Schedule A and Schedule B).
Other advice – give yourself time to get your time blocks right and make modifications. Remember, it’s a new system, give yourself time to learn and adapt
***WATCH NEXT: 10 Habits to Adopt in 2019!

8 thoughts on “The Block Schedule Productivity Method Templates!”

  1. Hi sorry Brittany but when I right click on the images it only allows me to download it like a photo is that how its supposed to work or are you supposed to be able to edit and add in your schedule?

  2. Another awesome vlog, Brittany! Thanks, this is a really cool method, especially for those of us who work outside the home i.e. you can just block out the “work” hours. I LOVE that you make it a point to have some personal down time during the day, even with a toddler.

  3. Hi Brittany I love the colorful Block Schedule you created can we have a editable copy of it? You can upload a link in your Google Drive (a shareable one) so that we can use it as well. I love that you added a water drinking reminder too.

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