Small Bathroom Organization Ideas!

There are so many of you who have commented that you are working with a SMALL BATHROOM space. I like a good organizational challenge! So, I’m going to tailor this video to organizing a small bathroom area.

I’ll show you small bathroom organization ideas including under the sink organization, bathroom counter organization, shower organization, toilet area organization, and toiletries organization. These ideas are designed to maximize your bathroom space but will work in any size bathroom!

You can watch this on YouTube or read on for the exact links, why I love and use these products, and why you need them in your life, too.

My first recommendation is to clear out the whole bathroom – cabinets, drawers, under the sink, closet – all of it. I like to start with a blank canvas.

When I did this, I found some random things in my bathroom! It’s funny what ends up in the bathroom.

Next, I cleaned everything. I cannot put things back into an area if it’s not clean. I wiped out the drawers and cabinet bottoms, cleaned off the cabinet fronts, scrubbed the sinks and countertops, steamed the floors, scoured the toilet, washed down the walls, and the whole shower too.

I decided to put down a drawer liner under the sink because it was a little grimy. This gives it a fresh, bright, and clean start.

1 A stackable shelf

When you are working with a cabinet, I’ve found that you want to maximize all the vertical space available. So, I found a couple options of stackable shelves under the sink. This doubles the amount of shelf space, guys!

What I found is a two-tier shelf with pull-out drawers. You could also use a stand-up wire shelf where you can stack a basket on the top and a basket inside the legs of the shelf.

Order this stackable shelf here.

2 Stackable glass containers

I like these see-through, stackable jars. I can see what is in them as soon as I open the cabinet.

In them, I put Q-tips and cotton pads – items that I use every day. Easy to access and pretty enough to even set up on the counter if needed.

Find the glass stackable containers here.


I suggest that you also ‘shop your home’ for items that you already own. These two items, I already had in my home so I used them in a new spot – under the bathroom sink for storage.

a. A plastic magazine rack to hold rolled-up hand towels
b. A pretty gray cloth basket for my hair products

3. Wire hot tools organizer

This wire rack will mount right to the door to utilize that unused space. It’s perfect for all of your hot tools – curling iron, flat iron, and hair dryer are easily accessed here.

This is so much better than sitting them on the counter with the cords hanging down to the floor.

Find the wire rack here.

4 Pedestal sink storage

If you have a pedestal sink with no under the sink storage, you have options! In the photo above are two storage units that can fit right around the pedestal.

You can also add a piece of cloth around the sink that can create a hidden space to store things.

Purchase the pedestal storage cabinet here and the pedestal wire storage rack here.


Don’t store toilet paper rolls in a small bathroom at all! There isn’t enough room. So… here is a solution. Put the rolls and paper towels too in matching baskets in your laundry room.

There they won’t take up that precious real estate in your bathroom.

Of course, I suggest putting a couple extra rolls in the bathroom at all times so no one is left in a precarious situation!

5 Wire hanger for extra toilet paper

The solution I found for this is a toilet paper hanger that clips right onto the side of the tank.

It’s compact, convenient, and will hold two rolls of toilet which is the perfect amount to keep in the bathroom.

Check out the extra toilet paper hanger here.


If you’re not utilizing the wall space above your commode, you should be. It is prime space you need to be taking advantage of.

You can add cabinets, hanging shelves, or what I did here is add wire baskets. I just attached them to the wall and am using them for a pretty rolled-up towel shelf.

6 Two-tier shower storage shelf

There are so many options to adding extra storage space in the shower. One item that I found, I really love.

It suctions, very securely, right into the corner of the shower giving you two whole shelves for your shampoo, conditioner, razor, and body wash.

Get your shower shelf here.

7 Shower curtain with pockets

I think this is my most favorite find of this video! A shower curtain that has pockets to store all of your shower supplies.

Your shampoo, conditioner, razors, shaving cream, loofahs, and more can fit in all of the pockets. If you don’t need a whole curtain, I also found one that has only six pockets that hangs from the curtain rod too.

The whole, larger curtain rod with pockets is here and the smaller, 6-pocket hanging pouch is here.

8 Small glass shelf

I generally like to keep things up off the counters, especially in a small bathroom. This small glass shelf sticks right to the wall. It’s damage-free and drill-free!

This adds a ton of extra space for your bathroom supplies or you could put decorative items like a candle or momento on this open space.

To purchase your glass shelf click here.

9 Soap dispensers

To keep things pretty in my space, I used this decorative mirror as a tray. On top of this, I found these see-through glass reuseable pump dispensers.

To these two dispensers, I added my handsoap and lotion as well as labeled them. It’s just a nice touch and a lot less expensive to reuse them instead of buying new each time.

Get your glass soap dispenser here.

10 Toothbrush holder

I found this great toothbrush holder. I love it because it not only holds your toothbrush, but also your toothpaste.

Find your toothbrush holder here.

11 Outlet shelf

This little contraption is so cool. It clips onto the outlet and adds a little shelf.

I think this is the perfect space for Ryan’s razor to keep it up out of the way. It’s also the perfect size for your phone if you take it in the bathroom to play music when you shower.

Get your outlet shelf here.


a. Flowers – We all love fresh flowers in a bathroom, but for goodness sake’s, I cannot keep them alive for long and then get new ones in there to replace them.

So the next best thing are faux flowers. I love this beautiful faux orchid from Target. It seems the most realistic.

b. Guest container – If you have guests coming to visit, I like to have a little container to store extra toiletries for the guests.

Things like dry shampoo, a little lint roller, a small Q-tip pack, cotton balls, and/or make up remover pack.

c. Multiple trash bags – I like to line my trash bins with multiple liners. It’s so much easier to take the full bag, grab it and go, and then have the next bag already in there.

12 Poo-pourri

It is ALWAYS a good idea to have some kind of poopourri in the bathroom. If you don’t know what that is, I’ll link it here and you can thank me later. Spritz, spritz!

Get one or two poo-pourri’s from your choice of 21 different scents here.

These are some of my favorite products to maximize your space in a small bathroom – under the sink organization, bathroom counter space-saver, shower organizers, toilet area and cabinet products that help save space in a smaller bathroom or any bathroom. Comment below which one you’re going to try!

If you like this list and want more, here are more of my Amazon favorites:
All-Time Best Amazon Products Under $10 – If you work at a desk, at home, or at a place of business, #6 is a MUST-HAVE! LOVE!
12 MIND-BLOWING Cleaning Tips from PROFESSIONAL HOUSEKEEPERS! The bonus item (#13) you may have heard me mention before. Check it out.

If you enjoyed this CLICK HERE to follow me on youtube; I share the best home hacks and affordable Amazon finds!

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